AUE Amt für Umwelt und Energie

  • ufficio

The eight-storey office wood construction bshows that an energetically optimised and sustainable building can work in an inner-city context. The photovoltaic facade blends in well with the surrounding buildings, the specially developed special glass creates the plastic and lively image that changes depending on the sunlight.

jessenvollenweider, Basel @jessenvollenweider
Client: Kanton Basel-Stadt, Hochbauamt

November 2021
Spiegelgasse 15, 4051 Basel

Photos: Philip Heckhausen @philipheckhausen

AUE Amt für Umwelt und Energie

  • ufficio

The eight-storey office wood construction bshows that an energetically optimised and sustainable building can work in an inner-city context. The photovoltaic facade blends in well with the surrounding buildings, the specially developed special glass creates the plastic and lively image that changes depending on the sunlight.

jessenvollenweider, Basel @jessenvollenweider
Client: Kanton Basel-Stadt, Hochbauamt

November 2021
Spiegelgasse 15, 4051 Basel

Photos: Philip Heckhausen @philipheckhausen

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