Babyn Yar Synagogue

  • pavilion

“A fragile small, convertible and at the same time hopeful building on the site of one of the greatest massacres of Nazi regime.” – Hubertus Adam, nominator SAY

Manuel Herz Architects, Basel @manuel.herz
Client: Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Foundation @babynyar

May 2021
Yuriia Illienka St, 02000, Kyiv

Photos: Iwan Baan @iwanbaan

Babyn Yar Synagogue

  • pavilion

“A fragile small, convertible and at the same time hopeful building on the site of one of the greatest massacres of Nazi regime.” – Hubertus Adam, nominator SAY

Manuel Herz Architects, Basel @manuel.herz
Client: Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Foundation @babynyar

May 2021
Yuriia Illienka St, 02000, Kyiv

Photos: Iwan Baan @iwanbaan

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