Équipements publics Ecoquartier Jonction

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“Note the interest of the architects in marking the character of a public building through the treatment of scale and materiality. The brick facades are very fine and, according to the architects, inscribe the building in the scale of boulevards.” – Bruno Marchand, nominator SAY

Lacroix Chessex, Geneva @lacroixchessex
Client: Ville de Genève @ville_de_geneve

May 2021
Boulevard Saint-Georges 21, 1025 Geneva

Photos: Olivier di Giambattista, Geneva @olivierdg.ch

Équipements publics Ecoquartier Jonction

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  • uso misto

“Note the interest of the architects in marking the character of a public building through the treatment of scale and materiality. The brick facades are very fine and, according to the architects, inscribe the building in the scale of boulevards.” – Bruno Marchand, nominator SAY

Lacroix Chessex, Geneva @lacroixchessex
Client: Ville de Genève @ville_de_geneve

May 2021
Boulevard Saint-Georges 21, 1025 Geneva

Photos: Olivier di Giambattista, Geneva @olivierdg.ch

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