Rénovation de la cité du Lignon

  • alloggi collettivi

The largest residential building in Switzerland was built between 1963-71 and is now, 50 years later, being renovated while the tenants remain in their flats. The exterior appearance remains virtually unchanged, but the energy demand has been reduced by half - with clever details such as the doubling of windows and additional insulation.

Jaccaud + Associés, Geneva #jaccaudassociés
Client: Comité Central du Lignon (different owners)

Avenue du Lignon 1–84, 1219 Vernier GE

Photos: Paola Corsini @paolacorsiniphotographer/Joel Tettamanti @joeltettamanti

Rénovation de la cité du Lignon / Renovation of the Lignon Complex, Vernier

  • alloggi collettivi

The largest residential building in Switzerland was built between 1963-71 and is now, 50 years later, being renovated while the tenants remain in their flats. The exterior appearance remains virtually unchanged, but the energy demand has been reduced by half - with clever details such as the doubling of windows and additional insulation.

Jaccaud + Associés, Geneva #jaccaudassociés
Client: Comité Central du Lignon (different owners)

Avenue du Lignon 1–84, 1219 Vernier GE

Photos: Paola Corsini @paolacorsiniphotographer/Joel Tettamanti @joeltettamanti

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