Wohnsiedlung Friedackerstrasse

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The design of the cooperative housing estate is based on the premise that streets should be strengthened as communal spaces in residential areas. Two new buildings form a square between two existing neighborhood streets and provides both a meeting place for the residents and passers-by, as well as a gathering place for the whole neighborhood.

Esch Sintzel Architekten, Zürich @eschsintzelarchitekten
Client: Bagestra cooperative

Friedackerstrasse 1-4, Regensbergstrasse 47, 8050 Zürich

Photos: Philip Heckhausen @philipheckhausen

Wohnsiedlung Friedackerstrasse

  • alloggi collettivi

The design of the cooperative housing estate is based on the premise that streets should be strengthened as communal spaces in residential areas. Two new buildings form a square between two existing neighborhood streets and provides both a meeting place for the residents and passers-by, as well as a gathering place for the whole neighborhood.

Esch Sintzel Architekten, Zürich @eschsintzelarchitekten
Client: Bagestra cooperative

Friedackerstrasse 1-4, Regensbergstrasse 47, 8050 Zürich

Photos: Philip Heckhausen @philipheckhausen

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